First week back at uni after the break. This weeks task is to start on capturing the body data onto the proxy rig. I first opened up the non-animated file on maya and checked if all the controls were functioning. I then opened the proxy rig on motion builder and added imported the cortex file.
The process on motion builder was very similar to what I have learnt in the last few projects, where we add the characaters and arrange the positioning of the body onto data. Althought I knew the procedure well, I had to repeat this process many times to get the body parts into the correct position as it was confusing the data when mapped out. The hands and the biceps kept clipping. After a while, I realised that the clipping hands was not a huge problem on motion builder as I only needed to care for the frames im responsible for.
After exporting the baked data from motion builder and imported into maya, I faced another problem.
Issues on maya:
The first time i attached the fbx file into the proxy rig on maya, I realised the knees were clipped backwards, and the shoulders were slacked down. Therefore I decided to redo the whole procedure from start to find what was causing the problems before I seek help from Dr. Kennedy.
After watching the tutorials again, I noticed that he mentioned to make the shoulders into 30 degrees, which helps preventing the shoulders from slacking down. I wasn’t too sure how I have missed this the first time, but I was very glad I was able to fix the major problem.
The knees popping backwards can be fixed using animation layers on maya. Select the two knee controls and make a new animation layer, then add some key frames where the controls is drifting off.